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Rose House
Family house in Girona

rose house general view

The house resembles a flower shape, with the living spaces grouped around a central circular courtyard in smaller and larger circles that also continue to enclose the rest of the site as defined garden spaces.

This gives each room a two-folded orientation -- to the central courtyard and to the surrounding gardens.

Walls growing from the ground wrap around and enclose these circular spaces.

Each space is centered in itself and related in adjacency and connection to the adjoining spaces. The ceiling rests on the walls like a large shallow bowl holding
the sky.

All openings, windows and doors are meant to slide completely out of view, leaving only the cast shape of the walls.

The spaces open to each other and the world around. To achieve this, the solid bent laminated doors slide into
the adjacent walls or pivot.

The windows slide down into the parapet wall, the glazing wall of
the courtyard slides completely into the adjacent living room wall.

During the warm months the life in the house will be in or around its open-air central courtyard.
All surrounding spaces can spill their life into the center.

During the hottest days the slightly indented courtyard can be closed and filled with

A shallow wading pool that cools the inhabitants and the house creates a pleasant microclimate in the house.

At all other times, apart from the
hottest days, the courtyard will most likely be used as an outdoor living space.

The ventilation of the courtyard is achieved though three passages to the gardens and through the windows and skylights of the house.

There are several gardens that are defined with walls related to the house.

The garden spaces are spaces between the house and the rest of the world.

The doorways in the garden walls connect all gardens with each other and to the
spaces outside the site.

The house is made of concrete. The ingredients of the concrete are selected for their performance and mineral properties. Muscovite, zeolites and other selected pozzolan minerals are used as cement, dolomite is used as gravel,quartz is used as sand, and structured water is added.

Concrete walls are poured with four concrete templates of 8 m, 4 m, 2 m and 1 m radius. The
roof is poured with 128 m diameter spherical formwork.

The walls are composed of two concrete layers with an insulation layer in between. The floor is a continuous concrete slab with hydronic heating tubing cast in it. Both roof and floor are insulated slabs.

The house has 336 m2 (3617 sq. ft.) of interior spaces not including the garage.

The house can be scaled up or down from 250 m2 - 400 m2,
because the precise size of the spaces is not vital for the experience of the house.

Water is energized with pioneering water energy
revitalizing techniques. Energy for heating and cooling and electricity is generated with use of the latest affordable renewable energy generation

Natural cooling and ventilation
is provided through natural cross ventilation of all spaces. The drain in the courtyard collects the water from the footprint of the house
(383 m2) in an underground cistern to irrigate




Over all view gardens and buiding


floor plan rose house

  Floor plan


sections Rose House




Rose house courtyard


View from the Courtyard

rose house kitchen


View from the kitchen


living room rose house


View from the living room.


garden view rose house



rose house view from garden

bedroom two garden rose house

View from the garden next to the bedroom


View from the bedroom into the garden


bedroom rose house

rose house bathroom
Master bedroom View from the bathroom



©Zoka Zola 2013
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Design: Zoka Zola
Dorothea Schulz, Nathan Diestelkamp, Gerardo Diaz, Juan Escudero