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urban structure on an existing square designed to create inumerable urban activities and interactions

multi function building
Knin Square in Zagreb

The hybrid program consisted of: underground parking for 550 cars, a three part sports hall, a hotel for visiting sportsmen, a community center, a doctors' office, a shop for sports equipment, a coffee shop, a restaurant, and a city square.

In addition to the required program we proposed that the roof of the building be a green roof with a slope suitable for skiing and sledging for children while their parents can supervise them from the restaurant on the roof level at the bottom of the slope.

Zagreb is a flat city at the bottom of a mountain; therefore, most people drive out of the city to ski on weekends. This new sloped surface in the middle of the city is easily accessible for daily leisurely skiing and sledging.

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, site plan

site plan and immediate surroundings



Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, interior spaces
model of the building on its site showing the interior spaces

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, roof with ski slope

model of the building on its site showing skiers on the roof


Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, first floorZoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, second floorZoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, third floor

first (or ground), second, and third floor plans

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, section

long section

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, green roof

The green roof offers the Zagreb people an elevated surface for picnicking and resting, a "table lawn", because people in this part of the world do not like to sit on the city ground level.

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, open-air theater

In the nighttime, configuration of the roof and the second floor of the restaurant create a setting for an open air cinema.

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb

general view showing how the building fits into the urban matrix of this part of Zagreb

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, sporthall and public square

The lounge room as a social space represents the sports hall and overlooks the new formed city square.

Zoka Zola, multi-use building and square, Zagreb, coffee shop and ski slope

In the wintertime, the restaurant's second floor offers the optimum view of children skiing on the slope.


Creative Commons LicenseZoka Zola
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
Design: Zoka Zola
Timothy Balon, Michelle Chlebek, Adi Kohn, Tanja Reiche, Dorothea Schulz, Darien Williams